Friday, June 28, 2013

Definition of Marriage


"That agreement between a couple and the State in which one party (the Couple) creates and raises future citizens of the State and the other party (the State) confers on that Couple certain special privileges intended to facilitate that desired behavior."



  1. Is that your own wording?

    Whatever, it's excellent, and what I've been saying to anyone who would listen.

    It's not about who you have sex with. It's who you have children with. That is by definition a male and a female.

    And the actual, biological parents of a child have the strongest natural interest in raising that child successfully.

  2. But the State is conferring privileges to promote desired behavior.

  3. Thanks DJ, yes, my own wording. It isn't about "being against gay marriage", it's about the literal impossibility of gay marriage, as marriage currently exists. As soon as gays "marry", marriage ceases to exist as it has since pretty much the dawn of man, and becomes a different entity, that seems to me, has no substance except "favors conferred because you paid a fee for a license. Which doesn't make it a very "sacred" institution, does it?

    And since it doesn't, marrying my pet to insure it can visit me in the hospital, and will inherit my estate and be kept healthy and pampered after my death, makes a certain sense, doesn't it?

    Anonymous...yes, the State is conferring privileges to promote desired behavior. But in this instance, be careful, I use "State" as shorthand for "the tribe", and "society"...both of whom have a sort of legitimate interest in increasing its strength and size, and insuring its future existence. We are, after all, as much as I am a libertarian, social creatures and that cannot be entirely ignored. And strength in numbers is a good thing, when its YOUR tribe...just sayin'.

  4. By this definition, no man who is unable to father children should have the right to marry a woman, nor should any woman who is unable to bear them.

    Do you, 60-year old man take this 60-year-old woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

    Who cares buddy, the broad's too old to have kids.

    You ain't the first one to try using this argument to mask your actual reasoning (me no want no gay people doin what me allowed to do), but it is just as patently ridiculous. If this is really what you believe, get ready to belly up to mandatory fertility testing in order to procure a marriage license.

    Libertarian? Sure, lady. Sure.

  5. You know you've won an argument when the other party's only response is to call you a name.
