Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Violence in the News

There are only two stories in the news.

  • Racist blacks rioting in Ferguson demanding the lynching of a white cop
  • ISIS cult members sawing off the head of an innocent American journalist...on video

Both symptoms of a world gone mad.

There is only one answer: Be more beastly, fearsome, dangerous than they...

I want the "caliphate" to be nuked into glass.That's a deterrent. When they are all dead, they can't kill any more Americans.

I want the Ferguson police to shoot-to-kill looters. That's a deterrent. Fewer scumbags to annoy the neighbors.

And I don't even LIKE cops! 

But given a choice between a white policeman and a black thug...I gotta go with the copper.

Call me a racist.

Like I care.

And while we're at it, can we line up most of the MSM against a wall and shoot them? Have you ever heard such idiocy in the face of the rank criminality of mob violence? Their brains are so soft they're leaking out of their ears.

Like black conservative, Lloyd Marcus said:
I get the feeling the MSM's unspoken opinion is as follows:  "Niggers have a right to act like niggers. America should understand and compassionately tolerate it." This is pure racism and bigotry of low expectations.
Amen, Brother.

If you won't hold a black person up to the same standards you demand of a white person, you're a racist.

If you think a punk-ass, black thug that strong-arms a guy half his size and rips off local merchants should be defined as an "unarmed teenager"'re a racist.

If you think that showing a video of this black thug caught on tape while in the act of intimidating and threatening the shop "smearing his character", you're a racist.

If you think that black mob violence is understandable and excusable because a white cop and a black citizen had an altercation...even before any of the facts have been determined, you're a racist.

If you automatically conclude, with no supporting FACTS, that the white cop murdered the black citizen in cold blood because he's racist, because he's white, you're a racist.

If you think destroying and looting local businesses is an appropriate response to perceived police brutality, you are a thug and a criminal.

If you destroy and loot businesses in your home town, and in your community, you're just stupid, and I hope you enjoy living in your burned out ghetto where no respectable business will ever locate again.

* * *

Oh yeah...and can we all agree now that Islam is, in fact, a Satanic Death Cult?


Addendum: This is what commenter johnnyrock67 said about the situation. He is exactly right:

"The left lives in a fantasy world imagining every place is the Deep South in 1955, every black person is Emmett Till, and every white person is the KKK. Any time the facts present themselves in a way that contradicts their fantasy, the left throws a tantrum instead of adjusting their view according to reality."

1 comment:

  1. In two generations, American black culture has turned from rich to perverse and this the liberals call progress. What a crime. That aside, blacks have been selected as the "perpetual problem" to propel elitists to power. If there were no problem, the elitists would invent problems.

    It is all about them being recognized as superior, the answer to every problem if only they are given the power to control the lesser beings. Elitist fancy themselves as superior, morally, intellectually and even genetically. Once the elitists get what they want, blacks become disposable.

    The MSM fancies itself as among the elite, helping the poor stupid masses make the right decisions. I have not watched TV for over a decade but I do see the formula is the same. The pretty smiling faces come into your living room, all bubbly and effervescent, laughing it up until they get to the story they think should worry you. It is a practiced routine of hand wringing, vocal gestures and orchestrated unveiling of the story to shape opinion. Facts? Only the ones that help need be mentioned.

    What we see in the world today is the perfect breeding ground for elitists, whether they are American politicians, ISIS murderers or "Black Leaders". It's the dopes that do their dirty work that don't get it.
