Tuesday, October 28, 2014


There should be an IQ test required for voting.

There should be a "property", or equivalent, requirement for voting.

Oh wait....maybe we can start with a fucking CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting!

What a concept, eh?

Did you see the story in the WaPo that non-citizen voters are making the difference in close elections...in favor of Democrats?

Allow me to put that a different way. Democrats are winning elections they would have lost, except for the illegal voting of people who are NOT CITIZENS of the United States of America.

America-Hating-Progressive-Leftist-Democrats are being elected by people who are not Americans...to political positions in America to rule and ruin us all.

As the man says, "Good-bye Sweet America."

If we don't change our ways right damn now....can there be another end result?



  1. Somehow, I don't think the Thug Regime would be as forgiving of us standing outside polling places with clubs as they were of the Black Panthers...

  2. Amen. It's not a coincidence that western civilization started it's rapid decline to the present position right after all the movements to enfranchise the common folk. The political class is nothing if not cunning.

    With moral voters, all the Obamas in the world could cause no damage. Without moral voters, no restrictions on government will do any good.

  3. We do need smart, moral and citizen voters, but even if that condition is met, the case for limited government goes hand in hand with a responsible electorate.

    I shudder to think that idiot woman recorded bragging about her Obama phone has as much say about our elected leaders as I do. If our constitution were functional, the idiots she votes for would have little say in my life, but that is not the case today.

    1. I totally agree. The idiots the Obama phone lady votes for should have little to say in your life. My contention is that although a limited government is generally best, there are times when a heavy handed central government is a good thing; the Louisiana purchase, the slavery issue, the WPA during the depression, etc., so simply limiting the government is, well, limiting. The voter's should be responsible for reigning the government in, not the government being responsible for reigning themselves in.

      It's interesting that we are looking at this from opposite viewpoints. You're seeing the politicians as the problem and the Obama phone lady types as the symptoms, while I see the Obama phone lady types as the problem and the resulting politicians as the symptom.

  4. I don't mean to interfere, I am an immigrant after all, AND a democrat.. I believe everyone deserves the same chance to succeed from even ground level.
    But when I came here, I've started by learning the language, customs, finishing college and getting a good job, not mooching off welfare. I also became a citizen. LEGALLY.
    What a concept..
    I believe that ALL immigrants ought to do the same, not force their "rights" so that lawful citizens have a freaking "press 1 for English" on the damn GOVERNMENT line. I mean if you can't at the very least make the effing effort to speak the language of the country you chose, then get the hell out, no?

    It sounds a bit like Putin's Russia politics, but then again, he doesn't seem to have terrorist problem, because terrorists are afraid of pissing off Russians and Putin.
    Seems to me after a step up from what we have in this country at the moment.

    Let me end his rant here..

  5. We don't have to be mean about it and "demand" certain behaviors. We just have to stop pandering. That's it. Easy peasy.

    If nobody in government speaks anything but English...immigrants, in order to deal with the government, will soon learn to speak English. If nobody in schools speaks anything but English, all students and parents will soon learn to speak English.

    If we stop paying people to not work and to have babies out of wedlock, they will soon start working, and stop having babies out of wedlock.

    It's really not that complicated.

    If we stop rewarding and honoring people when they set themselves apart and hate other groups, and instead reward and honor them for assimilating, they'll soon learn to assimilate.

    It is the choice of the political elite, who cynically care only about the next election, and know that a divided populace is easier to manipulate and control.

    And the more stupid among us fall for it EVERY TIME.

    Ergo, some kind of criteria for voting, to weed out the stupid, clueless, uninformed...and those who contribute nothing, but are bought by the current political elite with free money, food, phones, or some other perk they did not earn, but bleed their fellow citizens for.

    When one person gets something for nothing, some other person gets nothing for something.

    If you get something you did not work for, I DON'T get something I DID work for.

    That's how liberalism/progressivism/socialism works.
