Monday, January 12, 2015

America a No-Show; Americans Humiliated

Well leave it to the Clown in the White House to be a no-show in Paris, when pretty much every other significant western leader was there.

What does this tell us?

Obambi is not really anti violent islamic jihad.

And he's not about to join in a demonstration of solidarity of the growing racial/cultural awareness of the European peoples.

He hates them/us.

He's not even convincing in his substance-free teleprompter speeches anymore.

Except for his propaganda ministers...his collective Goebbels—known as the drive-by one believes his bullshit anymore.

Even the Left knows he's a clueless, empty suit of very modest intellect. (I mean, they don't care—but they know—because nothing will dissuade them from loyalty to the tenets of their shared Progressive/Collectivist Religion—no matter how many times and how clearly and entirely they have been PROVEN false, ugly, dangerous, damaging, inhuman, evil, tyrannical, murderous, hateful, enslaving, anti-freedom, etc.)

Now, of course, caught out, and scorned publicly, his Infestation, er, Administration, is bleating one thing or another trying to save face.

And no doubt Goebbels will do its best to spin this as hard and well as they can to try to remove the tarnish off this pathetic race/criminal/islam panderer.

It makes me sick to my stomach that this worm, this louse, this tick on the ass of humanity, is the official leader of my once beautiful, once great,  and once proud country.

The Gunslinger


  1. I love your concise summary --- too bad he wasn't caught golfing.

  2. What the Left does know is one of the rock solid principles of elitism; you never, ever admit to making a mistake. It is always the fault of something beyond your control; hence the reason you always need more control. If the Left turns on Obama, they will claim he deceived or betrayed them. It was not their fault that he was nominated and elected, TWICE! It is not their fault he is a disaster. Everyone I know that voted for this clown either lives in denial or blames the clown for fooling them.

  3. Guns, you think you have enough until the Muslims come.

    1. Dude...I may have to change that. Good one!

  4. A little late in my reply, didn't know about this site until a few minutes ago. I couldn't agree more with this article! Obozo is taking OUR country into the dirt bag ISLAMIC COWARDS. What do you think OUR country will look like by the end of 2016? How these TINY minorities are bring us down!! Atheists, homosexuals, anti-Christians, and all these other meaningless minorities OUR country is putting up with. WE THE PEOPLE have to get off our asses and meet them head on. I'm sick of this rhetoric about the Criminal/Fascist/Muslim clown-in-charge. It's time to put an end to this Muslim Lover and his Muslim/Crooked administration. There are too many factions against Oliar. What we need is a co-ordinated effort so we aren't just a small voice in opposition. WE THE PEOPLE have to get ONE solid front. Then we'll speak with ONE giant voice.
    For those of you who are interested in more views watch:
    Sons of Liberty. com
    Tea Party Patriots
    Tea Party
    Media Research
    and a host of others, I can't think of right now.
    as usual my signature is: GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

    1. Welcome ANON...been a little sketchy here lately. Got what's going around...

      Good list!
