Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Just a Word about Hillary

It's possible, though almost unimaginable in world where character and accomplishment should matter, that Hillary Clinton, the epitome of bad character and lack of accomplishment, will be the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States of America.

It's actually hard to conceive of when you examine it in the light of day....

What POSSIBLE qualifications does ANYONE think she has for the biggest, most demanding, complex, multifaceted, important, difficult, world-changing, monumental job in the world?

She's an empty pants suit. She is a small person, in every way: Small-minded, small-spirited, small-visioned, small-hearted.

She is not smart. She is not engaged. She is not intellectual. She is not charitable. She is not kind. She had no virtues to recommend her. Not Faith, not Hope, not Charity.

Hillary does not care about women, abortion, fairness, equality, liberty, immigration, Iraq, foreign policy, black people, white people, illegal aliens, Christians getting slaughtered in Africa & the middle east, or muslim terrorists—or America. She doesn't care about global warming, global cooling, global thermonuclear war.

Hillary Clinton cares about one thing, and one thing only: HILLARY CLINTON.

She doesn't want to DO anything as president... 

...she has no policies, or programs or goals or interests or passions. That's why she can't speak extemporaneously. She has nothing to say. She parrots what the focus groups, or her management, or the polls tells her to say.

She just wants to BE president..
...because it's important and cool and powerful and sexy and the pinnacle of American achievement. And for no other reason. She wants to be hailed and saluted and honored. She wants Money, Status, Power. She just can't wait to give herself a big hug to celebrate her election, and start inventorying the stuff she wants to steal from the White House this time.

She believes in nothing, she cares about no-one, she is the female Ă˜bama, a narcissist and sociopath.

Isn't one enough for this century?

(It almost makes you feel sorry for Bill, doesn't it?)

(I said "almost".)


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